Canada's Work Permits

Welcome Canada understands you and accompanies you throughout the realization of your immigration goal in Canada.

Are you a foreign worker looking for a job and then want to get a temporary work permit in Canada?

To work in Canada, you will need a job offer (Phase 1) before a work permit is issued (Phase 2).

PAHSE 1 : Job offer in Canada

Canada is currently experiencing a major labour shortage. The gap has widened because of the global pandemic. To compensate for the lack of manpower, employers are offering jobs to people who want to try a new career. The difficulties encountered by candidates are often misinformation, lack of knowledge of formal and informal codes, lack of visibility and many others. As immigration experts, we understand your difficulties. This is why we offer to solve your problems by providing you with a complete accompaniment in your professional project.

  • Telephone interview with the foreign worker in order to target the needs;
  • Update the resume in Canadian format;
  • Review the cover letter;
  • Make available job offers in the sector of activity;
  • Preparation for interviews with recruiters (1h);
  • Follow the candidate in the job search;
  • Provide a fact sheet on the rights of foreign workers in Canada;
  • Provide a guide for integration in Canada.
PHASE 2 : Work permit in Canada

To enter Canada as a foreign worker, you need a work permit.

This is phase 2 of your immigration process. The foreign worker will have to meet the immigration requirements in order to obtain this permit. The time it takes to obtain a work permit can vary, which is why we advise you to start the process as soon as possible.

There are two types of work permits, the closed work permit and the open work permit.

The closed work permit only allows the applicant to work for a specific employer. People who have a job offer in Canada usually have an excellent chance of obtaining a work permit for that job. In certain situations you may be eligible to apply:

  • With a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMI): Regular, Simplified, Global Talent Stream (relatively long and costly process for the employer); 
  • Without a LMIA, the Francophone Mobility Program (PMF): for foreign workers settling outside Quebec, low cost and accessible under conditions.

Conversely, the open work permit offers the applicant the possibility of working for any employer in Canada. In certain situations, you may be eligible for an open work permit:

  • Open Work Permit for Spouses/Accompanying Spouses of Temporary Foreign Workers;
  • Open Work Permit for Spouses/Accompanying Spouses of Temporary Foreign Students.

The complexity of the procedures often leads the applicant to mistakes. To avoid these errors in your choice of program, we offer you an adapted analysis of the programs and exemption codes that may apply to your profile according to specific criteria.

Phase 2 is as follows:

  • Telephone interview with the foreign worker in order to target the needs;
  • Application for CAQ (if the foreign worker wishes to settle in Quebec)
  • Collect the documents and ensure their veracity;
  • Accompany the foreign worker in the preparation of the file;
  • Apply for a Study Permit;
  • Issue a practical guide for the arrival in Canada.

WLMCANADA offers you support in finding a job and obtaining your license work in Canada.

Support for a Job offer

Informations - Step 1 of 2
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Please complete the following form if you wish to be accompanied for your steps to obtain a job offer within Canadian companies.

Work permit support

Informations - Step 1 of 2


Please complete the following form if you wish to be accompanied for your steps to obtain the Canadian work permit.

Will you be accompanied by your family?

People wishing to study in Canada can be accompanied by their family members. For this purpose, each person in the family must be issued an authorization to accompany the student to Canada. Accompanying spouses can apply for an open work permit and accompanying children will be entitled to the necessary documents according to their profiles. There are many factors to consider in the process of obtaining permits for accompanying family members to avoid being denied a request. We offer you a personalized study of your family composition and accompany you in the preparation of your immigration files. 

There are many factors to consider in the process of obtaining permits for accompanying family members to avoid being denied a request. We offer you a personalized study of your family composition and accompany you in the preparation of your immigration files. 

If you are accompanying a principal applicant and you need a personalized follow-up, WLMCANADA can offers you tailor-made support.

Family Support

Informations - Step 1 of 2

Let's talk about your project

Your legal and administrative procedures will never be an obstacle to your life goals again! So don't hesitate any longer and come try the adventure with us, Canada is waiting for you!